Looks like it was either parkerized black or powder coated. Shouldn’t be glare from the finish though. Ever so slightly mind you but it’s there. The edge of the receiver just before the opening looks rough, uneven. It looks just a little uneven in some spots, around the giant asterisk and just underneath the year stamp. The receiver, especially the front, looks like it may have been grounded to remove the markings, built up with weld and then either machined or ground round again. And while there has been some very obvious refinishing going on, I do think the receivers need closer scrutiny.

Usually pre war Mausers that have been cared for have very nicely machined cuts, nice rounded edges and so forth. But as a welder who works with metal all the time, something bothers me about that receiver. Some people are on the fence about Mitchell’s Mausers, and some are skeptical as to whether or not the markings are fake.